The art of seduction is a wonderful wonder; and ever since I discovered the innate power of man to influence his fellow man through persuasion and auto-suggestion (which we would talk about in later episodes of this blog) I became more at peace with myself.
At the heart of seduction is the seducer; the seducer must create scenarios, emotions and results which all conform to his goal of mystifying the essence of satisfaction through delay and dilemma.

The seductive process involves the seducer first digging deep into his/her core and extracting the single unique quality he/she possesses which stands out and draws people in—without knowing your strength you may never know how truly weak you are.

 The greatest battle to be won is the battle of self, one which you only win by dying. You must learn to portray yourself as vaguely as possible in-order to spark the curiosity of your target audience.

As a copywriter, I’ve found the book “The art of seduction”---By Robert Greene to be a light in the world of marketing. The sole ability to create emotions were they never existed and get people to act on them is music.

There is no better sound than the sound of repressed dreams and ideals which most people keep locked up day and night. The only thing people ever want to hear is the things they already have interest in; there’s no use interesting them in something new, to them it doesn’t exist.

So at the heart of seduction is self-discovery, then loss of self in order to become “self-less”. No matter what you want to achieve, it most definitely involves someone getting something for you; and you must appeal to their self-interest or you will never make any headway.

It really doesn’t involve conjuring up spirits from the underworld in order to make your prospects, lover, or even your boss to grant your every wish, it leans more towards being yourself regardless the situation and allowing people to see the true value you bring to the table.

You must do this with complete self-confidence which comes from self-belief / selflessness; the moment you do not need validation for the good you do, you become immune to the hate it attracts.

Life is a game of people, and whoever masters himself will not be mastered by others. You will draw attention and you will find yourself in possession of some intoxicating power. You will only crave more.

Play the game as you choose, because you will play it regardless of how you feel.


Starting is always the most difficult part; so start and become the greatest version of yourself.

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